This guide will show how I permanently got my MH-Tiny microcontrollers download instructions from my amd64 Linux computer.
Arudino IDE setup guide.
First, copy this link of a JSON file into File > Preferences > Additional boards manager URLs paste box in the Arduino IDE. Restart the IDE.
Check if the board is selected. Make sure by going to Tools > Boards > Boards Manager. On the new window, check if the board manager is installed by choosing the contributed type. Install if not and then select the board manager in Tools > Boards > MH-ET LIVE Boards.
Now at this point check if the programme works by running the blink test, found in Files > Examples > 01. Basics > Blink. Run the programme without the board physically plugged in, then plug in to a USB port when prompted. If it does work, yay. An error? Like the one shown below?
Warning: device with unknown new version of Micronucleus detected.
This tool doesn't know how to upload to this new device.
Updates may be available. Device reports version as: 2.2
Well, read on to...
An attempt to fix Micronucleus on MH-Tiny MCs.
This guide will require an internet connection, simple terminal knowledge, and the ability to be in root.
Let’s download the latest release of micronucleus here. The package I used was downloadable from here as a ZIP archive. However there might be a new version so download the latest for linux x86-64.
Extract the ZIP archive somewhere safe (e.g. your home directory, ~/) and go into the new folder created.
Copy the executable (called micronucleus) and paste into the following directory: ~/.arduino15/packages/mhetlive/tools/micronucleus/2.0a4, simultaneously deleting the micronucleus executable that was already in the folder. Note the folder .arduino15/ is a hidden folder; you can see it in most GUI file managers by pressing Ctrl+h.
Nearly there! Now open a terminal at ~/ and download the latest micronucleus repository with the command:
git clone
This will take around 5 minutes with a meh internet speed. Navigate to ~/micronucleus/commandline/ (assuming you downloaded the repo in your home directory) and copy the 49-micronucleus.rules file to /etc/udev/rules.d/49-micronucleus.rules. This copy will require you to be in root or to use sudo.
Finally, restart and open Arduino and make sure that micronucleus is the programmer in Tools > Programmer. Now run the blink test like before. It now should work ☺. Have fun programming!
Start using MH-Tinny Attiny88 Development board,
How into MH-Tiny Microcontroller by unsaturatedtransistor is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.